Miniature Kite Competition Rules
Here are the rules for judging miniature kites.
These rules cover the miniature kite competition at the AKA
National Convention 2001 in Billings, Montana. These rules are
guidelines that you may use to run local events. Since these
rules do not apply to any particular event, please check with the
head judge for the actual rules of your event.
Sample Rules:
- There will be a minimum of three judges,
one will be the head judge.
- Judges cannot submit entries.
- There will be four categories: smallest,
best in flight, most beautiful, most unusual.
- Each entrant may submit up to four kites
- Kites will be flown by hand or flown on a
motorized flying machine or both.
- Every kite must fly at a positive 15
degree angle or better to be considered.
- Kites must be 10" or smaller in every
dimension. The tail is ignored.
- Each kite will be evaluated by each judge
and given a score from 1-10 in each category. 10 is the
highest score.
- The scores will be averaged.
- The score for the category called
"smallest kite" will be determined by size. The
score for the other categories will be decided by finding
the kite with the highest average score in that category.
Ties will be broken using the best overall scores.
- Kites will be returned to their owners.
- If one person wins all categories, then we
will break Charlie Sotich's knees.
- The decision of the head judge is final.
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