Wildwood, NJ
Miniature Kite Art Gallery
- The photo below shows an overview of the display of
- kites during the annual Wildwood International Kite
- This gallery was on display from May 27-29, 2000 in the
- Wildwood Convention Center in Wildwood, NJ.

- There were eight "flying machines" forming a
Kinetic Kite Art Gallery.
- The machines flew the kites continuously during each day
of the show.
- This is the largest collection of kite flying machines.
The kites flew at
- different heights and some of the circles they described
- each other!

- Below you see a closer view of one of the "flying
- They use electric motors to fly the kite on a long, thin
- Notice the single-cell box kite at the top-center of the
- This one was very popular because it flew slowly and
- Kite and flying machine were built by Glenn Davison.

- Tables were filled with miniature kites. Below I see a
- a #8 Rokkaku and a ghost paper cutout kite by Ton Vinken,
- a bird by Charlie Sotich, a Rokkaku by Yoshizumi-san,
- blackbirds by Glenn Davison, and at the top of the photo,
- a train of shiny mylar kites by Paul Berard.

- Lillienthal's glider by Harm van Veen of the Netherlands.
- Notice the curved bamboo and the seated figure.
- This won an honorable mention in the contest.

- This "Guardian Angel" kite by Joanne Weber of
the USA
- also won an honorable mention.

- Miniature kites by Stephen P. Millner of PA, USA.
- Stephen ran a workshop to teach others how to build
- these beautiful Edo kites. Glenn Davison and Paul
- Berard also ran miniature kite workshops.

A very colorful miniature kite from the collection of Margo

- This Home Depot kite by Glenn Davison flies as a
- fighter kite with a 4.5" wingspan. The kite is not
- much larger than this photo.

- This is only a taste of what was shown. There was a
- flying arena for spectators to try a selected set of
- and we estimate that 250 miniature kites were on
- display. The "Great Miniature Kite Contest" was
- and the contestants and the winners were displayed in
- the Gallery.

- Thanks to Douglas Davenport, Elizabeth Snodgrass,
- Meg Albers, SJKF, Margo Brown, Paul Berard,
- Richard Dermer, Andy Galinas and Team Valley Girlz
- for their assistance.
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